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Sleep Phases

Imagine a situation: You go to bed, sleep, wake up after a while and suddenly realize that you can’t move, and the harder you try to move, the worse it turns out for you, a familiar situation? Or maybe at night, you wake up because it seems to you that there is someone in the room, attacked by wild fear. Something strange happened or was happening to you at night. You go to Google and search for what could have happened to you. After all, you know that you haven’t slept! And here you find a lot of different information. At night, aliens abducted someone, and someone else claims to have seen something unexplained or supernatural. Or maybe you are one of those people to whom this has never happened, but you can boast that you see beautiful and colourful dreams? And so it would seem, how is all of the above related? And this is connected with one scientific phenomenon called “phase.” Many people claim that something supernatural has happened to them. Some of them pass a lie detector, confirming that they are telling the truth. And here’s what’s interesting: They don’t lie, but it never really happened to them. Artem Fabritsius is one of the experimenters of the Elaja project created by Mikhail Raduga. Artem has been training to control sleep phases for the past five years. In this article, he will tell you what the sleep phases are, why you spend so much time and experiments to work on the “Phases,” and how it can be helpful for people.

Fabritsius says that the “Phase” is a scientific physiological phenomenon with nothing to do with mysticism or religion. Almost every person on earth dreams. We sleep at different times; someone sleeps 4 hours, someone 6, someone 8. Every time we go through the same sleep patterns, they are called sleep phases. Artyom explains that sleep can be deep and fast. The entire sleep cycle lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes. Approximately 40-50 minutes are spent on the slow sleep phase. At this time, a person does not dream. His body is resting, as is his brain. We dream precisely in the rem sleep phase. The rem sleep phase lasts from 5 to 15-20 minutes, and as a rule, in a dream, we do not realize that we are sleeping; only when we wake up do we know that it was a dream. We understand this for various reasons: we notice that the colours in a dream and reality are different; we understand the absurdity of the dream content itself. And this is not surprising. The fact is that during sleep, most of the brain responsible for our consciousness, or our self-awareness, is asleep. This part of the brain is located in the frontal part of the head. Sometimes, during our sleep, these areas of the brain are randomly activated. This leads to the fact that the very structure of sleep changes, and it becomes not only much more realistic but with it comes to our “self-awareness,” says Fabritsius. Artem says that each of us has at least once accidentally woken up in the middle of the night. Suddenly you realize that you can’t move – This phenomenon is called “sleep paralysis.”

“Sleep paralysis” is the first signal that you are entering the phase. You are halfway between a dream and reality. Your second step: You try harder and harder to move while exerting more and more effort. The more you try, the more you realize that you are powerless – this is called “deepening.” When we get into a phase, to maintain it and stay in it, we must carry out active work: touching something, groping, smelling, wanting, peering into details, moving more, experiencing emotions – all these actions force your brain to maintain activity during the transition to sleep, any of your “active position” strengthens the phase. The third step: Not understanding what is happening to you and not understanding how to cope with it, you are attacked by wild fear because this has never happened to you! Tell me: what happens to you in a dream when you experience fear? You have bad dreams! The same thing happens in the phase! You are already in a dream, but at the same time, you are conscious, which means that your consciousness and your subconscious are now working together since you are experiencing fear. You are experiencing not just fear of something new and inexplicable, but also of something unknown, now your subconscious mind generates your horror for you: you may be abducted by a UFO, or you will see a demon, or you will see a shadow, in a word, you will see something that will scare you, and you will not be ready for this because it is your subconscious, and it knows you are better than you are yourself. The fourth step: You take more and more effort, you are more and more afraid, but the more you try, the less you succeed. In the end, you make another attempt: You can start praying, you can start remembering what to do, or maybe you stop doing something out of impotence, you can close your eyes, and after a seemingly long and painful time, all this passes, and you realize that something inexplicable has happened to you, you can get up abruptly or, on the contrary, fall asleep, but in the morning you will remember perfectly well what happened to you. 

As written above, any activity will only support the phase to get out of it. All you need to do is calm down and do something monotonous. For example, read, relax, close your eyes, and do nothing. In this case, you will either fall asleep and fall asleep or vice versa, wake up, Fabritzius says. The phase can be characterized as an intermediate link between a dream and reality, although the phase is essentially a dream. Studies have shown that the brains of people entering the phase work similarly to those of people who are just sleeping, except for one thing, the frontal part of the brain is slightly more active. The “phase” is a dream that can be very real. Right now, take a break for 10 seconds and look at everything that surrounds you because everything that you see now, with the “image quality” that you perceive reality with at this moment, is exactly the kind of realism you can achieve in the “Phase”!

Can we control the “Phase”? Yes, Artem answers. There are particular techniques for intentionally entering the “phase,” there are techniques for holding the “phase,” but the “phase” itself, with all your efforts, cannot last more than 20-30 minutes, and this is with intensive training. At the start, it is fine if you are in the “phase” from 10 seconds to 1-2 minutes. At the same time, it is worth noting that when you are awake, any of your actions (hand movements, body turns) are signals from the brain that are transmitted further to your body. During the “phase,” all “mediocre” actions are absent; only your brain works! And this means that you will not only feel pain or vice versa joy but, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, you will feel everything much more realistic than in reality itself! At the same time, several seconds of real-time in the phase can be perceived as minutes. That is why, in the “Phase” research center, time is counted not according to your “feeling” but about the work done in the “Phase.” People are often surprised that if they remember what actions they performed in the “Phase,” the actual time could not have been more than 20 seconds (the person got up, went somewhere, touched something), although by the very feeling in the “Phase,” it seemed that more than 2 minutes had passed. And the mere realism is so natural that even in the scientific center, there are experimenters who still sincerely believe that the “Phase” is not a dream but an exit from the body, which unfortunately is not confirmed by the research done. For example, numerous experiments have shown whether a person understands that he is entering a “Phase” or believes he is leaving the body. So far, no one has been able to predict a lottery ticket or find out something inaccessible to his subconscious. Although at the same time, sometimes exciting things happen. But one way or another: Sleep paralysis, astral travel, leaving the body – all this is called a “Phase” by the scientific center to study the “Phase,” Artem notes.

How can we apply the “Phase”? The possibilities are almost limitless, Fabritsius says. Sex, as statistics show, is not a tiny factor by which people begin to study the “Phase” because not only can you “simulate” an ideal partner or imagine someone who is not available to you in real life, but as mentioned above, in the “Phase” everything feels much more accurate. People often begin to practice the “Phase” while in a difficult situation. Those who are bedridden and unable to move get the opportunity to walk in the “Phase.” Perhaps you have lost a loved one, the pain does not leave you, and you cannot find peace in any way – in the “Phase” you can get the opportunity to see, touch, talk to this person, and he will not differ in any way, according to your feelings, from the person you knew in reality. Do you need to pass an interview? No problem, you can simulate it in the phase and come prepared in reality. Do you have phobias? For example, are you afraid of heights? In the “Phase,” you can climb to any size and overcome fear. Do you dream of travelling, but you don’t have enough money? Do you dream of a luxury car that you can’t afford? You can visit any corner of the world, ride any vehicle, even visit space. In other words, everything that you can only imagine, you can realize in the “Phase,” unless you can lie on your favourite beach, on the seashore. Because, if you remember, any monotonous action makes your mind fall asleep or wake up, in a word, get out of the “Phase.”

Is it safe to practice “Phases”? Artem says that “there have never been people who have not returned from the “Phase.” And in any panic situation, all you need to do in the “Phase” is to relax.

How scientific is it? Everything that has been said above has no connection with religion or mysticism. The phase is as accurate as the dream and as supernatural as you could call the “dream” itself magical. Many scientific articles have been published on the topic of “Phases.” We are not talking about mysticism. We are talking about the work of the human brain and science.

How to determine that you were in the “Phase”? If something inexplicable happened to you: when you went to bed, in the middle of the night, on waking up, or when you are exhausted, be 99% sure that you were in a “Phase.” Nevertheless, do not forget that we are talking about the phenomenon of sleep, which should not be confused with schizophrenia or mental disorders. We should understand that the “Phase” is a dream and essential addition to a person’s life, but in no case should it replace reality for you, or push your real life into the background, because the “Phase” is your dream.

The next issue will tell even more about the “Sleep Phases.”

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