HomeCultureHaida Gwaii's New Chapter: The Historic Gaayhllxid/Gíihlaggang "Rising Tide" Haida Title Lands...

Haida Gwaii’s New Chapter: The Historic Gaayhllxid/Gíihlaggang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement

By Bruce Danesh

In a momentous decision on April 6th, 2024, the Council of the Haida Nation approved the Gaayhllxid/Gíihlaggang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement, marking a new chapter in the history of Haida Gwaii and the Haida people’s journey towards reconciliation and recognition of their inherent rights and responsibilities to their traditional territory.


Haida Gwaii, an archipelago of more than 150 islands off the coast of British Columbia, has been the home of the Haida Nation since time immemorial. The Haida people have a profound connection to the land and sea, which has shaped their culture, traditions, and way of life for countless generations. This deep, spiritual relationship is reflected in the words of Gaagwiis, President of the Haida Nation, who states, “It’s all Haida land, the whole territory — the land and the sea.”


The Haida Nation’s history, like that of many Indigenous peoples across Canada, has been marked by the impacts of colonialism, including the dispossession of their traditional lands and resources. The Haida have faced numerous challenges in asserting their rights and title to Haida Gwaii, leading to a series of court cases, such as Haida Nation v. Minister of Forests (2004) and the ongoing Haida Title Case. In these legal battles, the Haida Nation has presented extensive evidence to demonstrate their Aboriginal title to the lands of Haida Gwaii.


The Gaayhllxid/Gíihlaggang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement represents a significant milestone in the Haida Nation’s long struggle for recognition and reconciliation. The agreement, which comes after more than 50 years of negotiations with the government of British Columbia, formally recognizes and affirms the Haida Nation’s Aboriginal title to the lands of Haida Gwaii. While this recognition does not create title, as Haida Title is inherent, it provides a legal acknowledgement of the Haida Nation’s rights and responsibilities to their territory.


The agreement also establishes a framework for the Haida Nation and the Province to reconcile their respective jurisdictions and laws on Haida Gwaii. This process will involve the development and codification of Haida laws, as well as building the capacity of the Haida Nation to exercise governance over their lands. The focus will be on aligning land use and resource management with Haida values and principles, ensuring the protection and sustainable use of Haida Gwaii’s natural and cultural heritage.


One of the key aspects of the agreement is that it does not impact private property rights, local government jurisdiction, or the delivery of public services on Haida Gwaii. The Haida Nation has consistently affirmed that they will not dispossess non-Haida residents living on the islands, reflecting their commitment to building a shared future with their friends, family, and neighbors. This inclusive approach is rooted in the Haida principle of “Isda ad dii gii isda” (reciprocity), which emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and cooperation.


The Gaayhllxid/Gíihlaggang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement is a testament to the resilience, determination, and vision of the Haida Nation. It represents a significant step forward not only for the Haida people but for all Indigenous nations in Canada who are striving for recognition of their inherent rights and title to their traditional territories.


As we celebrate this historic achievement, it is essential to recognize that the work of reconciliation is an ongoing process that requires the active engagement and support of all Canadians. By learning about the history, culture, and rights of Indigenous peoples, we can foster a deeper understanding and respect for the diverse nations that have called these lands home since time immemorial.


The agreement also serves as an inspiration for other Indigenous nations seeking to assert their rights and title through negotiation and dialogue. It demonstrates that, with persistence, goodwill, and a shared commitment to justice and reconciliation, it is possible to forge new pathways towards a more equitable and harmonious future.


As the Haida Nation embarks on this new chapter in their history, they do so with the knowledge that they are not only securing their own future but also setting an example for generations to come. By exercising their inherent rights and responsibilities to the land and sea, the Haida are ensuring the protection and sustainable use of Haida Gwaii’s precious natural and cultural heritage.


The Gaayhllxid/Gíihlaggang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement is a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength of Indigenous peoples in the face of adversity. It is a call to action for all of us to work together in the spirit of reconciliation, to build a future that honors the deep connections between people and place, and to ensure a thriving and sustainable Haida Gwaii for generations to come.


As we move forward, let us embrace the lessons of the Haida Nation and their unwavering commitment to their land, culture, and people. Let us stand in solidarity with Indigenous nations across Canada as they continue their journey towards self-determination and recognition of their inherent rights. Together, we can create a future that is built on the foundations of respect, reciprocity, and a shared responsibility to the land and all living things.


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