
Naseem Alzub'i

Work is defined as every activity that leads to obtaining a specific financial benefit. Work is also defined as achieving a goal by implementing a task within certain conditions. Other definitions of work are: It is an interconnected set of functions that are related to one goal, carried out by a person called an employee, and an agreement is concluded between him and the employer that provides him with wages in exchange for his work at the end of a pre-agreed period of time.
_Reasons for searching for work: There are a group of reasons that encourage individuals to search for work, the most important of which are:
 Work is the primary means of obtaining money. Every person capable of doing a profession seeks to obtain an appropriate income from it.
 Obtaining a suitable training opportunity within the work environment: The individual can obtain a group of training courses that contribute to developing his personal skills and help him obtain a group of information and knowledge that lead to his development in his field of work.
 Benefiting from the personal skills of colleagues within the work environment, learning about their experiences, knowing the ways that helped them develop their careers, and acquiring much new information that helps develop personal skills.
_Benefits of work on the individual and society: Work achieves many benefits that benefit the individual and society. Work is considered one of the most essential foundations for building societies, and it is also the means that maintains the stability of individuals and helps them successfully establish their own lives. The following is a group of unique benefits at work that affect the individual and society.
_Benefits of work for the individual: There are a group of benefits that work provides to individuals, which are:
 Financial benefits: They are a sum of money that is obtained daily, weekly, or monthly and is allocated to every individual working in a job or profession in exchange for the fees he provides during a specific period. The more the employee exerts effort, experience, and efficiency that witnesses distinction and development, the more this contributes to Continuously increasing the value of financial dues.
 Retirement compensation: It is a financial return that an individual receives after the end of his work period, and obtaining retirement is legal if he remains at work for a pre- determined period of time, in accordance with the labour law, or when he reaches the legal age for retirement and in both cases, the individual receives A monthly sum of money called a pension.

 Health care: It is one of the additional benefits of work, also called health insurance. It contributes to providing many means that preserve the health of the individual in the event that he is exposed to illness or injury during his time at work. Therefore, all establishments are keen to provide health care to employees.
 Obtaining vacations: They are a group of vacation days that the employee gets during his work period, and they do not include official or weekly vacations. Instead, they are vacations that are provided to the employee for many reasons, such as sick leave or family leave.
_Benefits of work on society Just as work brings benefits to individuals, it also benefits society, and the most important of these benefits are:
 Continuous income growth: These are benefits that positively affect individuals’ personal income, leading to a set of beneficial results for society as a whole. Every person is able to obtain an income suitable for him by joining a job, and this is reflected in society and contributes to its continuous development and advancement.
 Increasing local production: It is one of the most important benefits of working in society. Many types of businesses and professions, especially industrial ones, lead to an increase in the proportion of local production of communities, which results in an improvement in the general economic situation. The more the business sector contributes to employing individuals, the more this leads to the emergence of positive indicators about the local product of the community.
 Reducing the rate of crimes in society: This is one of the significant benefits of work. Joining an individual in a job or profession contributes to lowering crime rates, most of which are the result of the motive of obtaining money. Work supports the moral refinement of individuals and helps provide them with a decent life away from any wrongful behaviour associated with any crime that is punishable—the law.
 Increasing the efficiency of education: It is one of the benefits of work that reflects positive results on the public education sector in society. The work provides many models and examples that add various benefits to education and contribute to the development of intellectual standards among individuals. Work also has an essential role within the scope of university education. Many university majors came as a result of a group of works and professions known to man, such as engineering, linguistic studies, media work, and others.
 Stimulating investments: One of the positive benefits of working within society. When businesses witness a diversification of professions, this contributes to supporting and stimulating internal and external investments by attracting many companies to invest in society by obtaining financial shares in existing establishments or opening branches of international companies. This results in remarkable development in many public fields.

_The importance of work in an individual’s life:
Helps work develop.
We are forming a clear vision for the future and working to achieve goals. Providing a stable financial income eliminates the need for people to seek help and assistance from others.
The work helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the human personality.
It helps to develop and refine social skills and develop the ability to communicate effectively with others.
They are protecting people from falling into the trap of poverty and need. They employ human energy to carry out positive tasks and duties in life.
_The importance of work in building society:
It is increasing state income and revenues and improving the economic situation in society. “
They are providing all health, economic, and educational services to citizens.
They are promoting togetherness, solidarity, and cooperation among people. They are reducing the rate of crimes and thefts resulting from unemployment and people not using their time productively.
It is reducing the spread of many societal diseases, such as drugs, alcohol consumption, and rape.
Work helps achieve a renaissance and advance countries and peoples.
Eliminate all factors of poverty that are primarily responsible for family disintegration in society.
_Types of work:
1. Mental work is work that requires a person to think more intensively and mentally research, and it includes several professions, such as work in the fields of education, medicine, engineering, and exploration.
2. Physical work is work that requires physical effort to be completed correctly, such as work in the fields of trade, construction, carpentry, blacksmithing, and agriculture.
_Ways to get a new job:
1. Writing a CV: Write your CV in a detailed manner that includes the most essential information related to your personality and professional capabilities.
2. Self-evaluation: It is necessary to look for a job that matches your strengths so that you can achieve success in it.

3. Setting goals: Before starting any new work, you must define your goals accurately to make it easier for you to achieve them in a timely manner.
4. Research and collect information:
It would be best to constantly search for the job you want to apply for and collect related information.
5. Designing an online profile:
To design your own profile on the Internet and display the experiences and skills that distinguish you.
6. Participation in volunteer work.
_Tips for success at work:
Commitment to work ethics, discipline, and executing work in a professional manner. Be flexible in emergency situations that you may encounter during work days. Adherence to work start and end times.
Learn more new skills that will increase your ability to give and excel at work.
Expressing all opinions and ideas that could contribute to the progress and development of the work.
Communicate with others positively and lovingly.
_Obstacles that may stand in the way of your practical success:
 Work randomly and without focus.
 Feeling exaggerated fear and anxiety.
 The absence of essential motivation motivates a person to work hard and with
dedication to reach the highest levels of success and progress.
 Lack of a clear and explicit plan at work.
 Laziness, postponing work and not doing it on time.
 Weak or lack of self-confidence.
 I am being busy with social networking sites and calls during work hours.
 Accompanying negative people at work.
Work is a trustworthy source of happiness for a person. Through it, he feels that he is productive and has an essential role in building society. He strives diligently and diligently to create a decent life for himself. How miserable is a person who has no motivation? How great is the person who can offer and give every day!

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